Spotlight on Entrepreneurship: Sara Gotch and LOVOTO


MAIN PRODUCTS/SERVICES: Transitional Videos / Scanning developed photos / Creating digital scrapbooks
ADDRESS: 520 Nebraska Street STE 404 • Sioux City, IA • 51101

Q: What makes you an entrepreneur?

A: What makes me an entrepreneur is that I have taken the time to see my passion and drive through. The process is still early in my career of being an entrepreneur meaning, there are many things I have learned, and much much more I have yet to learn. It’s more or less a process, not a being. I don’t feel people are born an entrepreneur, their life path leads them there. My main basis for following this through is because of time. Time is very valuable and I want more of it. I figured if I became an entrepreneur and get things off the ground and feel set – I am given the gift of time.

Q: What was the driving force behind you starting a business? What drives you each day?

A: The driving force behind me starting a business is that I was already doing it for family and friends— I felt with my skills and passion that I should allow the public to use my services as well. The thing that drives me each day is that I deeply care for the memories throughout ones life along with the emotion a transition video sets at an event. I create the videos / digital scrapbooks for people just as I’d hope someone would do for me. I use my creative skills and hear what the client needs to make the perfect final piece.

Q: What’s the biggest challenge you’ve had to overcome as you’ve grown your business? What has been your greatest reward?

A: The biggest challenge I’ve had to over come is the initial startup of the business – getting all the legal set up. I took my time during the start up process in fear I’d miss a step that would be costly, but it all worked out, and my doors are open for business! The greatest reward thus far has been all of the support from my peers, family and friends. I never put it past them that they wouldn’t have my back, but with advice, help and meaningful gifts along the way really made me see the whole picture of what incredible people I have in my life. It in return makes me want to succeed that much more.

Q: Why are startups and small companies important to a local economy?

A: I believe small companies are important to the local economy for their potential growth. All businesses start somewhere. If they fail- more then likely they’ve learned, and will start again. If they succeed and grow – it builds a founding respect for entrepreneurs and creates goals and dreams for others, inconsideration that they can do it too! It’s an empowering feeling to be surrounded by those who have made something of themselves.

Q: What more can be done to help create, grow and promote small businesses and startups in Sioux City and the region?

A: I feel that the Sioux City region is moving forward in the regards to a small business attitude. I feel a connection with the colleges in our area will help promote a young driven atmosphere. Also, affordable living downtown, in my opinion would start to create this urban feel that most large cities are known for. There is something romantic about walking from point A to B hitting up your favorite place to shop, eat, and grab coffee. The city has done a great job promoting small businesses though – they are active in helping through the process and seeing the steps through in making a dream a reality.

One Comment

  1. rick and carmin gotch
    11 years ago

    we are so proud of you sara! great response to the questions asked. you will always succeed in all that you do! love you! mom and dad

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