Spotlight on Entrepreneurship: Jamie Vondrak of Concierge Services of Siouxland

jamie vondrak


Name: Jamie Vondrak
Company: Concierge Services of Siouxland, LLC
Title: Owner/Personal Concierge
Facebook: siouxlandconcierge
LinkedIn: Jamie Vondrak

Give us a short description of your business:

Concierge Services of Siouxland is a “do it all” organization. I complete jobs ranging from personal errands like banking and grocery shopping, to business services like setting up online accounts, planning corporate events, or acting as a personal assistant, to relocation assistance for homeowners and realtors.

What motivated you to start your business?
This business was born out of necessity. Many surrounding cities like Sioux Falls and Omaha have concierge service companies, but Sioux City doesn’t have anything like it. With the amount of large corporations and busy working families here, this is a much needed service.

What’s the biggest challenge you had to overcome as your business has grown?
The biggest challenge I have faced is getting people to understand what it is that I do. This is a relatively new concept here, so it takes some convincing for some people to get on board with what I do.

What’s unique about your business?
Everything about my business is unique. I’m a jack of all trades! Where else can you get your utilities transferred to a new address, get your groceries picked up, have your dog walked, and have a payroll tax account set up with one phone call?

What are you doing to actively promote the startup community in Sioux City? Why is that important to you?
The small business and start up community in Sioux City has had a major influence on me, particularly because entrepreneurship is in my blood. I make it a point to frequent local startup businesses for our needs whenever possible.

Are there any people or experiences that were particularly influential in that regard?
My grandmother started her own business over 30 years ago in the Riverside area, and then purchased another location in North Sioux City, which she eventually handed over to my mother. My grandmother was fiercely independent, and a very smart business woman. Watching her grow her business gave me the confidence that I needed to know I can do the same.

How can the Startup Sioux City community help your business?
I feel that the Startup Sioux City community has proven itself to be a very valuable resource for local start-ups, not only because of the marketing exposure, but also because of the tremendous networking potential. Knowing there is a resource like Startup Sioux City available gives start-ups more confidence in their ability to succeed.

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